Training The Best Of The Best
On your way to becoming an Open Water Scuba Instructor you undoubtedly became a Master Scuba Diver first. As a MSDT you’ll be in the position to share that accomplishment with other divers trying to attain the best. You know that diving can be a lot more than exploring the shallow reefs. Many divers have the longing to go deep, dive in the dark and penetrate wrecks. As a Master Scuba Diver Trainer you’ll be able to afford those divers the ability to do what they desire.

MSDT and Opportunities
As a Scuba Instructor you have the opportunity to travel the world and earn your keep while doing so. At any given time you can go to a job posting board and find people looking for experienced dive professionals. What will set you apart from Sigurður, the instructor from Iceland, when trying to get that position on a Fijian sailing yacht? Being able to teach a variety of scuba classifications beyond the core curriculum is what gets you the job. Once they see your MSDT rating the Fijians will say ‘moce’ to ol’ Sigurður!
You As A Master Scuba Diver Trainer
As a Master Scuba Diver Trainer you will be able to teach at least five PADI specialty courses. These courses can range from Fish Identification to Equipment Specialist to Search and Recovery. We recommend starting with the most common specialties like Enriched Air Diver and Peak Performance Buoyancy. Then, you will want to look at what diving is readily available in the area you will be teaching scuba. Finally, make sure you enjoy what you are teaching. If you love diving cold water and want to share that with others then look at Dry Suit Diver. Below are the Specialties we offer to get you on your way to becoming a Master Scuba Diver Trainer.