Who dives off a boat?
Everyone! Everyone dives off a boat. Essentially, all those amazing dive sites we go to are accessible by boat. Often, the dive sites are only available from a boat. There are those divers that spend their lives only entering by shore. However, if you want to dive the northern-most coral system in the gulf you’ll be entering by boat! This is why you should learn proper boat etiquette along with the correct diving procedures that the PADI Boat Diver course has to offer.
Why is the boat diver course important?
Outside of etiquette, like not taking up the whole dive deck with your gear all strewn about, the Boat Diver course teaches you how different boats operate and how you should function on those vessels. In this course, you will learn about different boat terminology and boat safety. You will also get an understanding of what procedures for diving are acceptable based on the type of boat from which you will be diving. Furthermore, you'll learn the differences between diving from a full on live-aboard to doing a rolling-back entry off a skiff.

How your boat diver course works
In your class you will perform two dives from a boat under the guidance of a PADI professional. Amazingly, you can take this course locally to better prepare you for your big ocean adventure!
Plus, if you’re thinking about getting your Advanced Open Water certification, your first dive of the PADI Boat Diver course will count towards one of the Adventure Dives for your AOW.
So, if you're planning your big adventure to dive with the hammerheads off Cocos or maybe joining us aboard the S/Y Siren in Palau, you will be able to use all the information from your PADI Boat Diver course to get the most out of your stay on the boat.